Attrezzature per Prove Triassiali

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Il comportamento sforzo-deformazione del terreno è tipicamente studiato durante la prova triassiale su campioni indisturbati, ricostituiti o compattati che sono soggetti a diversi livelli di sollecitazione e condizioni di drenaggio; simulando il più fedelmente possibile le condizioni in sito e gli effetti di costruzioni, scavi, rilevati , frane, propagazione delle onde ed eventi sismici.
Wykeham Farrance propone una vasta gamma di presse triassiale, celle triassiali, sistemi di pressione dell'acqua e tutti i relativi accessori per configurare il vostro sistema di prove triassiali; sono disponibili oltre 8.000 configurazioni per soddisfare tutte le vostre esigenze.

Banded Triaxial Cells

Used for performing triaxial - effective/total stress, stress path, dynamic, permeability tests.

Load Rings

Used for measuring applied force on a soil sample

On-Sample Transducers

Used for measuring local deformation on soil sample in triaxial test.

Standalone Pressure Volume Controller, HYDROMATIC

Used as general-purpose water pressure source and volume change controller.

Standard Triaxial System with Analogue Measurement

Used by standard laboratories that don’t require digital measurement.

Submersible Load Cells

Submersible (internal) load cells have been designed to work inside the triaxial cells.

Triaxial Load Frame TRITECH

Ideal for research laboratories to perform high quality tests at high level of productivity.

Air/Water Pressure System and Control Panels

Used for providing a variable constant pressure using air compressed

External Load Cells

Used for measuring the axial force applied to soil sample.

Standard Triaxial Cells

Used for performing triaxial test - effective/total stress and permeability

Standard Triaxial System with Built-in Digital Data Acquisition

Used by educational lab needing a compact solution without external data acquisition.

Triaxial Load Frame TRIAX

Basic triaxial load frame without built-in data acquisition up to 70 mm sample

Axial Displacement Transducers

Used for measuring axial deformation on soil sample

Oil/Water Pressure System

Used for providing a variable constant pressure using a oil/water interface

Standard Triaxial System with External/Expandable Digital Data Acquisition

Used by commercial and educational lab needing central data acquisition and flexible configurations.

Triaxial Load Frame TRITECH with 4 Built-In Channels

Ideal for high productivity triaxial testing

Triaxial Load Frame TRIAX with 4 Built-In Channels

Basic triaxial load frame with built-in data acquisition up to 70 mm sample

Electronic Volume Change Apparatus

Used for measuring variation of volume of soil sample in a triaxial test.