The revolution in triaxial testing - Welcome to the all-new AutoTRIAXQube.
New Product Launch
2021/06/01 - 1 minutes read
Alessandro Maggioni
Product Manager | CONTROLS

Wykeham Farrance, a division of CONTROLS, is excited to announce a revolution in triaxial testing - the all-new AutoTRIAXQube. 

The pioneering, all-in-one automatic triaxial testing system has been meticulously designed to make a wide variety of triaxial testing easier than ever before. 

  • AutoTRIAXQube integrates the many components of triaxial testing into one, single compact system.  
  • Occupying less than one square metre, it will fit neatly in any laboratory, making it the ideal solution where space is at a premium.  
  • AutoTRIAXQube can complete the whole triaxial test - saving time, minimizing operator intervention, increasing accuracy. 
  • Easy to install - simply connect the AutoTRIAXQube to water and power supply and start testing. 

To find out more, visit the dedicated webpage.